Insurance & Personal Injury Fraud Investigations

Insurance Industry

Fatali Investigations offers the insurance industry a wide range of services that include - in addition to other techniques, video surveillance (date and time stamped) to document a claimant's daily activity and identify the truthfulness of an injury. We work closely with adjusters and examiners to build a case profile and formulate a investigative plan that will provide admissible evidence in the case of a fraudulent claim. Our investigations result in a detailed report that describes all performed surveillance, observed activities and supporting collected evidence. If lawyers become involved and a case goes to court, our expert testimony, detailed reports and documented evidence help bring a positive judgement.

Whether suspected fraudulent Bodily Injury or inflated property-related claims, our investigative services provide objective observations to assist with settlements.


Private Individuals

Don't let your insurance premiums be a waste of money, use a private investigator to safeguard your insurance privileges.

Organized insurance crime continues to cost insurers, policyholders and Canadians over $1 billion a year. This affects every Canadian, as these false insurance claims cost the average household several hundred dollars each year in higher premiums. Plus, false insurance claims can mean that you are held liable in a staged accident and increase your risk of being sued. The high instance of insurance fraud has meant that insurance companies are far more cautious when paying claims, which may mean that you need professional help to make your claim.


What comprises an insurance fraud investigation?

In general terms, an insurance investigator tries to determine whether someone has filed a false insurance claim. There are many types of insurance investigations:

  • Health insurance fraud investigation. This investigation tries to determine whether someone is claiming health care services they are not truly receiving or is filing health care claims and requests that are not valid or needed

  • Car insurance fraud investigation. Some criminals stage accidents, in which they purposely collide with another car and then try to accuse the other driver of an accident in order to file a claim. Some criminals attempt vehicle theft fraud, trying to get money for a car which in fact was not stolen. Insurance fraud investigators uncover these schemes

  • Home insurance fraud investigation. In this type of insurance investigation, investigators discover fraud related to disaster damage or property damage claims

  • Life insurance fraud investigation. Investigators work to uncover cases of people who claim life insurance while still alive or those who claim too much in life insurance


Aren't insurance fraud investigations just for insurance companies?

Absolutely not. When people seek to make fraudulent insurance claims, they also often attempt to make claims from the estate of someone else they've implicated in the accident. For example, if someone sideswipes your car and then claims you're at fault for the accident, not only will your premiums increase, but the criminal may actually target you to get additional money. A insurance fraud investigation by a professional investigator can uncover the scheme and can save you the hassle and costs of a court case. It can also help you keep your insurance costs down.

If you have been accused of insurance fraud, a qualified insurance investigator can help clear your name by gathering evidence of the true injuries or damage sustained. This can help ensure that your insurance company pays you on time and pays you the full amount to which were entitled.

Contact Us to discuss your case with an experienced investigator and find out how we can help you.


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(403) 401-8640

(403) 681-3058

(7 days a week 8 am -  11 pm)

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